杭州桑拿夜网 品茶 夜生活 龙凤 杭州喝茶工作室 夜网 The explosion damage was less than expected. The island looks exactly like a synthetic island, but its structure is completely different.

The explosion damage was less than expected. The island looks exactly like a synthetic island, but its structure is completely different.

Quite strong
But Linz will prepare a more powerful bomb …
"Maya! I know where you are! " Monte III roared and tried his best to rush to the island again.
At the moment when it decided to rush over, a light flashed through the root of its right wing again.
Air France flew Monte III to fall from it again, and it still shouted the name of Maya in its mouth.
Monte III has a more extreme attachment to Maya, which Lin has known for a long time, but it is strange that … why does it call the island Maya?
Maybe … Maya is doing exercises in it?
In this way, we can instantly detect all the flying insects in the Inca swarm and the position of the explosive shells scattered by Bessemer, and then we can instantly hit them with light.
This kind of thing is quite simple for brain worms …
But Lin hasn’t felt the brain waves from just now until now, and the whole island is covered by a solid shell, which has a special defense, presumably to prevent other creatures from detecting the situation inside …
If it’s really Maya in there, how did Monte III know? It has no strange ability to detect, and its brain is much weaker than that of brain worms.
And if it is Maya, it should know Monte III and Bessemer. Although Bessemer is much bigger, his appearance has hardly changed.
"Maya …"
Monte III slowly fell in the middle and the island crystal aimed at it again.
Bang!’ At this moment, half of Bessemer suddenly sped up and flew to Monte III before the light came out.
The light hit Bessemer and left a little blackened mark on his body.
Now Lin can almost judge the shooting target area of the island, and Monte III is not far from Besimos and can easily help it block the attack.
"… Maya … that’s Maya …"
Bessemer caught Monte III, and it said something about Maya. After a while, he fainted.
It seems that it has been badly hurt, and it is dirty and has been penetrated by light, and it has suffered a lot of damage.
However, this kind of light still has an advantage, because it will scorch the wound and almost no blood will flow out.
Linke will ask it something later. Now we should mainly solve the island first.
"Hum …" At this moment, the island suddenly gave a strange that it flew away at a very fast speed.
Like you’re trying to escape? Have you run out of energy?
But it’s fast, but it’s still not as fast as … Besimos.
Bang!’ With the explosive sound, he grabbed Monte III and rushed over. At the same time, he threw Monte III in the tentacle and let the other half catch it.
At the same time, it accelerated again and quickly approached the fleeing island.
Bessemer fired a large number of bombs at close range, and the light of the island was scattered again, but some bombs were destroyed. When it didn’t come to shoot for the second time, it hit the part of the island that had been bombed by Lin before.
Boom!’ After the explosion, a lot of debris flew out and the original bombed place expanded several times again.
Moreover, a piece of wall can be seen at the part of the fried hole.
Lin saw a familiar figure behind the wall.
"Maya! ! !” After the sound of Monte III rang again, Lin could see a chubby body behind the wall and it seemed to be soaked in water and liquid.
But it seems that the figure didn’t notice that the explosion had almost reached it. Although it couldn’t feel its emotions, Lin could see from its state …
This brain worm seems to be in a’ daze’ state, which is somewhat similar to sleep but not completely asleep.
But this island should be controlled by it …
Look at this situation, maybe those’ creators’ have done this kind of thing or that kind of thing to it, but this kind of thing is difficult to do.
It’s relatively simple to affect the skull and dragon brain, but it’s quite difficult to affect the brain and worm brain.
Their brains are quite protective and will not be easily affected by external factors.
Anyway, blow it up and study it again.
Suddenly Lin heard a sound, which came from the surface.
Almost at the same time, this dark day suddenly lit up, and Bessemer felt a strong burning sensation, and his back spread, and his skin collapsed in the heat.
This is caused by a light beam, and the other half of Bessemer saw this situation.
There is another island in the sea …
But this island looks completely different from the synthetic island. It is bigger and looks like … a cloud.
This light beam shines from the center of the sky’ cloud’, which is much brighter than the light emitted by the largest crystal of the island. Half of Bessemer’s body was burned to ashes in a short time, and the rest of it was difficult to keep flying and fall from it.
This light is much more powerful than before.
And the most important thing is that Lin doesn’t seem to realize that this island like a cloud is close to this position. It was just called … by the cloud sea shadow monster.
It may have noticed this strange cloud all the time and woke up, but it was still a step slow.
The half-landed Bessemer didn’t die, but the jet site was damaged. Lynn tried to repair it and needed the other half to win.
This seems a little difficult.

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