杭州桑拿夜网 品茶 夜生活 龙凤 杭州喝茶工作室 夜网 When it slows down, the audio and video of Axis B is lengthened and generally rings.

When it slows down, the audio and video of Axis B is lengthened and generally rings.

At the same time, two strong forces rushed together, one pushed the jade to accelerate and swept it sideways, and the other crashed into the cold tail needle.
Both forces are small but extremely accurate.
Jade charming body quivered, suddenly jumped several feet and landed heavily.
That was close!
Her younger generation was cold and sweaty, and her eyes stared at Hogg intensely.
If it weren’t for Zhou Yishi’s hand, she delayed a little bit, even now she has been pierced in the head.
"How dare you!"
Roaring a jade, Leng Mei stands upright
"Hogg, how dare you sneak up on me and die!"
"Ha ha ….." A blow missed Haug and some accidents swept his eyes Zhou Yilang laughed.
"Jade, you forgot a slave who was going to accept me? With the lessons of the past, you should be careless and deserve it! "
"You …" Jade a hysteresis silver teeth clenched.
"Damn it!"
Beautiful eyes flashes suddenly perceive wrong nu way
"No, you didn’t really break through to the middle stage of gas refining. Who is behind the blasting and burning pills?"
Blast burning pill is a special panacea in black wind tunnel. It can make the repair soar for a short time, but it will die later.
By …
Someone used Hogg to deal with themselves!
Who is it?
Who can help Hogg in the hospital?
Zhou yi!
Jade’s mind turned sharply, suspecting that the target first put Zhou Yishen and then shook her head. Just now, if it weren’t for Zhou Yi’s hand, she would have died.
At this time, Zhou Yiyin pointed to the shadow not far away with a stick.
"Come out!"
Jade side head
The shadow shook, and a tall, thin, long-faced, slender man slowly walked out of it, and the breath of refined gas was quietly revealed.
"It’s you!"
Zhou Yi recognized that this person was surprised.
"inkstone, you are already a gas refiner!"
Bearer impressively entered the court some time ago to guard Tian Man’s "Nie Xianshi" door inkstone, which belongs to a vein of true wounds.
It’s not surprising that Zizhen and Zhendi have never dealt with the design assassination of Zizhen Xianshi’s right-hand man Jade.
But …
This is not a savage, but a gas refiner!
"Good" visual Zhou Yi inkstone eyes are full of hatred
"It’s hateful to get rid of you and ruin my event early!"
Just now, if it weren’t for Zhou Yiyu, she would have died long ago. She was a small person who didn’t think about it but almost broke the event.
Zhou Yi frowned slightly and his face was cold.
"Did you release the tiger?"
Cold inkstone
"If yes, how can you count your life?"
"But the so-called today you will die. It’s not a waste to live with a fairy teacher named Zhou."
"Really?" Zhou yi sweeps the eye field
"That may not be the winner, but it is still unknown."
The inkstone face was full of disdain and slowly pulled out two gold forks from behind.
The golden fork is not glittering. It looks like a sharp toy in a child’s hand, but it makes Zhou Yi’s eyes shrink.

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