杭州桑拿夜网 品茶 夜生活 龙凤 杭州喝茶工作室 夜网,桑拿会所 Luo Tingyu couldn’t help but be curious and asked, "Can you tell me what Miss Duanmu thinks?"

Luo Tingyu couldn’t help but be curious and asked, "Can you tell me what Miss Duanmu thinks?"

Duan Mufu said, "It is said that the wind is like running a horse, and those who are afraid say that the wind will be brave and difficult to fight. I know this point. I want to know who it is again and again. Is there any truth in this statement?"
Luo Tingyu didn’t miss a word. "Who is it?"
Duan Mufu said, "Is there anyone else besides the Shule Buddhist in the Western Regions?"
Luo Tingyu stared at Duanmu Fu for a moment before saying, "Miss Duanmu really has the wisdom of the world."
Duanmu Fu said with a smile, "I’m flattered by Luo Gong. It’s not hard to guess. Imagine that apart from the passer-by Ma Jia from the Western Regions, who can stand alone in the strength of Cuihua City? So if I were really intelligent, I should have guessed it long ago. "
After listening to her analysis, everyone thought it was reasonable, but we all know that it was only after someone came forward that it was reasonable. So, if you can guess by clues, can you guess the passers-by in the western regions?
Duan Mufu added, "I think the Shule Buddhist should listen nearby. If I guess correctly, why don’t the Shule Buddhist just come out and meet?"
At the side door, a man stepped across the entrance and gave a loud laugh. Everyone suddenly looked at the bearer, who was tall, dark-skinned and wrapped in cloth and silk. Although it was strange, it was awe-inspiring at first sight. Everyone knew that this man was Shule Buddhist. If Luo Tingyu had not blocked the Central Plains, he would have swept the sky.
Buddhist Shule came and sat opposite Miss Duanmu, saying, "There are many talented people in the Wulin of the Central Plains. There are Luo Gong on martial arts and Miss Duanmu. This Buddhist really regrets that Meng Lang has traveled so far."
His Chinese is not only fluent and accurate, but also elegant in wording, just like reading a poem, which makes people have to look at him with respect.
Duan Mufu said, "The Buddhist teacher is so modest and comfortable that he shows his height."
Her eyes turned to Luo Tingyu’s face for a long time before she added, "With the help of such a strong ethical force, Luo Gong naturally believes that he can resist the exclusive villa, right?"
Luo Tingyu smiled slightly. "Miss Duanmu’s question seems to contain profound meaning."
DuanMuFu interface way "of course contains profound meaning! For example, if I point out that the Shule Buddhist team is unreliable, the situation can change dramatically at once, don’t you think? "
Luo Tingyu’s expression changed at the end of hearing this, but Yang Shidao couldn’t help but show his worried eyebrows and frowned and thought.
At first, he didn’t consider the possibility of Shule Buddhist defection, but after detailed planning, such things should happen in the short term. But is Duan Mufu’s words lightly reasonable? So his heart is busy and he thinks.
Luo Tingyu said slowly, "Yes, if Buddhist Shule helps Zun Mountain Villa, it will be difficult to compete."
Duan Mufu said, "So Shule Buddhist has a decisive force. This situation is really terrible. If he wants to transfer his mind, one side will be killed."
Buddhist Shule said, "Miss Duanmu took pains to tell me the current status and situation, which made people very puzzled?"
Duan Mufu said, "I’m telling Duke Luo not to rely too much on your strength."
Suddenly, a teenager ran into the room and walked beside Yang Shidao. He said a few words in a low voice. Yang Shidao nodded, but then another teenager came in and reported in Yang Shidao’s ear. Then he retired. Three people came in to report in the hall one after another, and the gas suddenly became nervous.
Duanmu Fu said faintly, "In this case, it seems that the exclusive villa is actually divided into three ways. Are you interested in attacking this place?"
Before Yang Shidao spoke, Cui Abo said angrily, "Good! How dare that old man be so young? Let’s get rid of the exclusive villa from now on. "
Duanmu Fu said, "It’s impossible to taste it at the end, but we are alone and must attach ourselves to a certain force. Otherwise, it won’t take long for the two of us to be killed by the exclusive villa."
Cui Abo said, "Why don’t we go to Cuihua City and see the old man?"
Luo Tingyu said, "If Miss Duanmu is willing to leave the exclusive villa to welcome."
Duan Mufu said, "If I can take refuge in you, do I have to wait until today?"
Yang Shidao was stunned. "Our city should be more suitable for young ladies than the exclusive mountain villa, but it won’t work?"
Duan Mufu said, "I don’t need to rely on you at the end of this situation for the time being. Cuihua City or the exclusive mountain villa can attract the western region as a force to form its own national teacher."
As soon as she said this, Luo Tingyu couldn’t help but feel shocked. I thought that if she snared to Shule Buddhist, this group of western masters proved to be a force to separate the heights and Cuihua City.
Shule Buddhist laughed at the sky. "Miss, don’t find a seat. Do you have reason to stand on your own feet?"
Duanmu Fu said, "Of course I have great reasons, but this situation tells you that it is inconvenient for me to say this. Buddhist teachers must forgive me."
Buddhist Shule said, "This is a very interesting thing. You don’t look for me on behalf of Yan Wei, but you are going to be a school of your own. I deeply admire such an ambitious seat, but I dare not rashly promise that although I dare to challenge the heroes of the Central Plains for a long journey, it is an open battle. The heroes of the Central Plains will secretly cast their arrows. If it becomes the original position to help you compete, the situation will be very different."
Duanmu Fu said lightly, "I’m just fluent. Since Buddhist has many concerns, I’ll take back what I just said."
They are interested in ending this topic. Buddhist Shule is so lean and intelligent, but instead she tickles her heart and thinks about it. Suddenly, two vigorous teenagers rush in and whisper a few words in Yang Shidao’s ear.
Duanmu Fu got up and said to Luo Tingyu, "Your city must have set up a place to watch the battle. Now it’s time to go."
Yang Shi said, "Miss Duanmu is really sighing at herself. Please come this way!"
Duanmu Fu said to Shule Buddhist, "If Buddhist intends to spend three minutes, then remember that you can’t defeat the exclusive villa by force, otherwise you will face the whole Wulin in the Central Plains with this force."
Qin Shuangbo suddenly said, "Duanmu Fu, I have come to respect you very much, but now I can’t help but doubt my previous opinion after seeing what you have done."
DuanMuFu cast a glance at her way "is it? However, Qin Xian, please remember that you are from Chaoyin Pavilion in Putuo Mountain, and you have the status of "Queen of Sword" since your debut. Your status in Wulin may be aloof and lofty, and some people in the world may have to struggle to ask for help, especially a weak woman like a little sister. Please remember this. "
As she walked, Cui Abo must have followed her. At this time, there were more auspicious masters and apprentices, who followed a vigorous teenager to the back. Soon, she was in a wooden platform that had just been built. This wooden platform was as high as three feet, not only the house was in sight.

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