杭州桑拿夜网 品茶 夜生活 龙凤 杭州喝茶工作室 品茶论坛,夜网 But it’s just this moment, but there are different colors in Xu’s eyes

But it’s just this moment, but there are different colors in Xu’s eyes

When the speed of light is twisted, the ability starts instantly!
In the 2ms absolute reaction time, let a ground thorn rise from the legs of the yaksha masked man and stab it almost like a late start!
When the speed of light is distorted, the ability should be induced by this stab, just like tapping out at the same time as the mountain character tactic
Let the masked man who just shot the top of his head with a gun not respond at all!
How abrupt!
Moreover, this shot smashed Xu’s retreat and appeared on the hill hag mask. The man’s feet were as strong as the roots, and the method was moved as quickly as usual!
Hag mask man suddenly let out an earth-shattering scream!
The whole person is stiff and twitching in pain!
I don’t know whether it was a poisonous snake that stabbed the table tennis or the back door!
But no matter where it exploded, the stab directly penetrated into the abdomen from the body of the hag man.
I don’t know how many organs I stabbed, but it was definitely a serious injury!
Huang Mao was shocked!
Its players are also stunned!
None of them thought that their boss should be put down.
But in a flash, Huang Mao screamed and roared!
"The old horse is going to boom!"
"Never mind the fire!"
Huang Mao’s voice just fell to the ground with a laser cannon, and the old horse was directly smashed to the ground, and his head was smashed directly, not to mention that even the laser cannon in his hand was smashed!
But these guys are obviously well trained!
Continuous accidents did not confuse them.
Instead of all kinds of hot weapons and energy weapons, they poured out to Xu tuifei for the first time.
Although the repulsive flying car is bulletproof, fire, especially with energy weapons, will not last long.
At this time, if you retire, you can kill without fear!
But there is still fear!
In less than two seconds, Xu retreated, and a ground thorn appeared and directly penetrated into the temporary command yellow hair body!
At the same time, Xu flashed back and drew out seven consecutive lashes of power and general spirit.
The hag mask man has the means to defend himself, but he doesn’t.
Instantaneous bomb dumping and energy bombardment sound is a stop.
Among these robbers, the attack with strong spirit was affected on the spot, and the weak spirit was directly retreated to smoke and climb.
"Car kill!"
Xu tui’s continuous spirit whipping has created a surprise attack opportunity for all!
Xu retired the first flying car with repulsion.
Silver pill flies with flying sword at the same time.
But Xu tui didn’t attack seven robbers nearby for the first time.
Flying sword soars into the sky, and at the moment, Xu retreated and dumped the flying sword directly from the spiritual chain.
In an instant, the flying sword screamed and screamed.
The robber who controlled the shoulder launcher 110 meters away just filled the shoulder launcher with a rocket.
When I heard the abnormal sound and looked up, the silver light flashed across my forehead, and there was a blood line.
This is the biggest threat!

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