杭州桑拿夜网 品茶 夜生活 龙凤 杭州喝茶工作室 喝茶VX,夜网 "Just don’t come over!" An Xiaoxue is very determined.

"Just don’t come over!" An Xiaoxue is very determined.

Xu tui is puzzled.
Three hours later, the Phobos World War I Command came to order the official end of the actual combat on Mars in 213.
All elite students participating in the war will be tied up at the nearest node in the 24 th place in the 16 th district of the first district.
The Phobos World War I Command will send a space transport plane to send elite students to Phobos, and will also send a space vehicle Mars to search for life breath.
Look for students who may be seriously injured and incapacitated.
All participants in the war will undergo initial environmental adaptation treatment and stress psychological intervention on Phobos.
At the same time, all participants in the war will also accept a screening of Phobos.
Prevent alien races from mixing into Terran Department.
Estimated time is three to five days.
Many awards and final merit calculations for all combatants will be completed in three to five days.
Participants in the war can also obtain information for verification if they have objections.
Objections on the number of meritorious deeds after Phobos are no longer accepted.
After all this, return to the moon base from Phobos’ measuring gate.
Yes, Phobos also has a measuring gate.
This is also the reason why Bluestar is eager to study the secret of the measuring gate.
It is also the biggest problem for Bluestar to master several quantitative gates at present.
The lunar measuring gate can lead directly to Mars.
Limited transport capacity
The landing point of Mars through people or things is completely random.
But Mars does not have a direct return door to the moon.
Phobos, which can directly return to the moon.
Similarly, the capacity of Phobos to the moon is limited, and it is completely random not to say that the moon will land.
On the contrary, alien races have another kind of technology of measuring meaning.
When they came through the measuring gate, their placement was completely random.
Capacity is also limited.
Anyway, for so many years, the alien race has never passed the threshold of Mars arrival, and the gene has evolved into a strong country.
However, alien races have a one-time docking channel when they leave.
When the alien race source energy wants to leave during the tidal period, it can directly open a measuring gate, and this temporary measuring gate will collapse after the evacuation of the channel staff.
Over the years, alien races have come to retreat, and the location of the gate has not been repeated.
This is the technology that Bluestar Terrans want to master.
If you can master the temporary passage of the measuring gate, even if there are many restrictions, you can return to the moon quickly from Mars.
And Phobos can be reached quickly from the moon.
It is very significant to be able to establish two channels.
However, the elite students who are currently participating in the war can evacuate from Phobos.
Xu tui and his party naturally leave the Mars battlefield at the conjunction point of the crater in the 24th district.
However, Xu retired only after Feng Xuanbiao made an exchange.
If the second Mars base in Huaxia District needs to be retired, it will not hesitate to stay.
However, Feng Xuanbiao said that he was not worried.
The form here has stabilized. Come on.
China’s division of benefits to the European Union area, the Russian Union area and the non-union area is not for nothing.
Even if Milian District and India District want to attack four against two, there is no chance for them to attack.
He kept a certain distance between Xu tui’s eccentricity and waiting for Zhongan Xiaoxue afterwards.
But it wasn’t until the day that the transport plane retreated that it suddenly came in vain.
An xiaoxue, what told him to keep his distance?
I don’t think so before
Now hundreds of people go to a day conveyor, even if there is an air circulation system, the taste is sour to the extreme.
A guy is very comfortable. He has taken off his shoes and hasn’t enjoyed it 3.
Nearby, dozens of Dao’s eyes make him wear shoes with his nose pinched.

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