杭州桑拿夜网 品茶 夜生活 龙凤 杭州喝茶工作室 夜网 At this time, it was getting late, and the three of them followed Li Erniu to go to Zhuang Dad’s head and said, "Niu Niu, stay at home and watch my house for me!"

At this time, it was getting late, and the three of them followed Li Erniu to go to Zhuang Dad’s head and said, "Niu Niu, stay at home and watch my house for me!"

Two girls looked at Wen Liuquan and An Danyue Gouerdeng, which are creatures who naturally evaluate the situation. It judged that there should be no danger for these two people to follow Zhuang Dad, so they stopped and squatted in front of the door to see Zhuang Dad leave.
Night arrival, Erniu crouched in front of the farmhouse like a tree, staring at the distance. There were many dog lovers taking photos with Erniu, and then it got dark. The last customer tried to feed Erniu, but failed to leave step by step.
It’s time for everyone to watch and play with their mobile phones after dinner.
Chen Dawei, a dog lover, had just pushed the door when he saw his idiot coming with his tongue out, and then he sniffed at him with a bag.
"Go to the second goods!" Chen Dawei gently kicked the idiot, and felt how he felt about his idiot. When he saw his idiot again today, he always felt how to look at it. It was strange and wonderful. There was a feeling that if a pet was abandoned, should he summon a god beast again?
"Ahem … are you back?" In the bedroom, my wife coughed weakly.
"Are you better today?" Chen Dawei: Did the doctor come to give the injection? How do you say? "
"Ahem … the doctor said it was the flu that gave me a few injections, but he didn’t advise me to go to the hospital. He said that it was the flu patient in the hospital, and maybe it was worse to cross-infect at home … Ahem, don’t stay in the house, and both of us will be finished if we are dyed."
"Don’t worry," Chen Dawei took it out and stood in line for three hours to buy medicinal liquor. "Look, I bought something good. My colleague said it would be good to drink it specially!"
"You’re silly, aren’t you …" The wife gave him a white look. "Just drink it? If the flu is so easy to cure … Ahem … You liberal arts students … "
The wife covered her mouth and turned to cough. "Get out! Get out! The flu is spread by droplets. Don’t stay here! "
"Know that you are a science student know that you have scientific literacy but you at least try! Many times, do you know the remedies for serious illness! " Said Chen Dawei took out his mobile phone. "Look, this is my colleague Zhou Ge who gave his son a drink and immediately got well. He went to play basketball alive."
"I don’t believe it …" The wife took out the temperature, measured her temperature and coughed for half a day. "It must be a fake Zhou Ge. Should it also make Wechat business?"
"You’d better try. You see, you feel uncomfortable now."
"The doctor said not to drink …" My wife insisted and saw Chen Dawei creaking the lid. "If you don’t drink 151 bottles, I’ll fall down!"
"I don’t … smell it if you fall!"
I don’t know why my nose is stuffy and my sense of smell is poor, but I can smell the fragrance of this medicinal liquor.
"It’s just wine. Don’t be a lady! Come and drink! "
Chen Dawei said that the first time I was drunk, it was not by my father-in-law, but by my wife. Who should I talk to? Why are you pretending to be a big-tailed wolf at this time!
"Okay, I’ll drink … by the way, wait a minute. Let’s take a picture first. This vial is so cute!"
1ML mini wine bottle is specially made by Zhuang Dad. The bottle is exquisite, small, round and particularly cute.
Even if you are sick to death, don’t forget to take a selfie first.
Wipe your face, put your hair to one side, pout, and pose as if Lin Daiyu were sick. Take out a small bottle, pose softly, and grind your skin and click.
"I am sick at home and my husband brought back a bottle of so-called disease-relieving wine. Although I think it should not be effective, my husband is the best!"
Friends circle shows love, and everything is always reserved programs.
What is single dog’s abuse of death? One is one.
See the wife holding the 1ML small bottle and gulp it down. Chen Dawei was relieved.
It should be ready soon, right
After drinking, my wife’s eyes immediately lit up. "Drink well and I will drink more!"
"One hundred and fifty-one bottles!"
"Then I’ll drink it tomorrow!"
Chen Dawei …
Suit yourself, as long as you like it
"Well, get some sleep. I’ll cook. Are you hungry?"
"I’m so sleepy if I’m not hungry …" Chen Dawei shook his head and turned to work in the kitchen.
I haven’t been busy for ten minutes and suddenly I heard a sound behind me. When I turned around, I saw my wife suddenly pouncing. "Husband, I am fine!"
"ah!" Chen Dawei was unstable and almost fell to the ground.
What fun game is that idiot with a long tail sticking out his tongue behind him playing?
Suddenly I really fell to the ground.
"Oh, you killed me!"
Two people and one dog struggled to get up, but the wife wouldn’t let him move. "Don’t move, don’t move, I’ll take a selfie!"
In the circle of friends, "It’s amazing that my husband bought medicinal liquor and actually drank it. It’s just a second to throw his husband down! Husband, I love you! "
Spare no effort to destroy the remaining single dog!
"Husband, hurry up and cook. I’ll give this medicated wine Amway to my little sisters!" After the selfie, my wife left it alone and patted her ass.
Chen Dawei was dumbfounded. "Shouldn’t you be cooking?"
"I am a patient!" My wife is still confident.

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