杭州桑拿夜网 品茶 夜生活 龙凤 杭州喝茶工作室 品茶论坛 Xu Le feels a little strange, especially those three chicken legs feel like a joke.

Xu Le feels a little strange, especially those three chicken legs feel like a joke.

He looked at the black cat only to find that Ding Ke was lying on the bed and sleeping like a normal human being.
"This guy … is really"
Xu Le put away the note. No matter what Ding Ke wrote, he would try.
Nothing, if anything, is fate.
Four new people who came to the division class have been waiting.
"Xu Le predecessors are early"
Xu Le finally experienced a greeting from others and felt good, which really gave him a sense of satisfaction that I was a senior.
Xu Le came to Wang Shu’s office and found Wang Shuzheng settling accounts with Gan.
Because they had been hospitalized before, there were a lot of accounts left over from block 53.
It’s worse than saying that the pension for sacrificing members has not been paid.
Now nature is to measure a well.
"Ah, Xu Le, you just came to settle accounts …"
Wang Shuyuan wanted to catch Xu Le able-bodied man, but Xu Le refused.
"I have more important things you forgot?"
Wang Shu knew that Xu Le said it was a pill before the investigation, but it was Xu Le who was good at it!
It’s too difficult to make false accounts. It’s a great pity that Xu Le can’t handle it.
"Well, it’s just a matter of time. I heard it was a murder. Take the couple to investigate it."
"Murder also need the night watchman to solve? What do guards do for food? The guard captain also has a level 1 fighter level, right? "
Xu Le is telling the truth. If murder is to be solved by the night watchman, the night watchman will not work.
"Normal murders are really solved by guards."
"Okay, I get it."
Xu Le nodded. Normal murder is solved by guards, which means eye murder is not normal.
It’s not really weird. It shouldn’t be very difficult
But will it be a problem to bring four new people with you?
"Gu Beichen go? I can’t bring four new people by myself. "
"Without four, he went to Black Lane to sell Lunatone and took Li Wenwen and Yang Jie."
Xu Le hesitated a.
"Are you sure he didn’t take his sister to play in the black alley?"
"What can I do?"
"all right"
Xu Le walked out of the captain’s office and came to the front of two new people.
"Well, you’re lucky that you just joined the reserve and had a not particularly difficult preparation. Let’s go."
Chapter 117 Xu Le perfect performance
Hear Zheng Wen and Wu Shanna eyes lit up.
It’s a good thing to look at the two of them looking very motivated. Xu Lexiao smiled and was motivated.
Joining the night watchman is not a house vigil. Artificial vigil is very dangerous, and it is necessary to face strangeness all the time.
I hope they can behave as strongly as they do.
When everything was ready, Wang Shu suddenly came out.
"Xu Le noodles gave us a car, right?"
"Well …" Xu Le was speechless.
Whether others or the original owner are poor and forcing the house car to die is based on his fate.

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