杭州桑拿夜网 品茶 夜生活 龙凤 杭州喝茶工作室 夜网,桑拿会所 "If the judgment is correct, then this matter should be that the guy who made everyone have a fever caused another disaster to mankind!"

"If the judgment is correct, then this matter should be that the guy who made everyone have a fever caused another disaster to mankind!"

Lin Yue’s judgment is also because such things seem to directly provoke the contradiction of all people in the Ministry of Human Resources
If the first person with ability is made public, then the whole person with ability will be discovered in turn, and finally human beings will fall into a confrontation between ordinary people and those with ability.
Or there is another possibility.
All groups of human beings will fall into the era of mutual attack and fighting opposition because of these leaders who have the ability to survive.
Every extraordinary person leads the crazy expansion of each other who is loyal to their own genus and quickly makes the refuge village bigger.
Until the last one is decided.
War is an eternal topic that human beings cannot avoid.
In the face of disaster, it is almost never happened that human beings fought for survival.
That is, after the Leveque made a little noise, the Coalition forces of lizard people and beggars from Du Ping were still fairly large
But other than that, it doesn’t seem to be.
The seventh disaster came late.
This has also brought great development opportunities and time to many refuge villages.
I have to say that many refuge villages have been moving for a long time, and the topic of recruitment and cooperation of the World Channel often appears and screens.
Small refuge villages have a hard time eating and drinking, and when all kinds of problems arise, large refuge villages will come and call for joining.
Medium-sized refuge villages will establish alliances with some delicate balance, and with the rise of a refuge village, this balance will also break the alliance, and finally these refuge villages will be merged into one.
I’m afraid this war is the best way to merge many refuge villages.
Capable people became the leaders, and each played a role in this battle, so …
What’s the final result?
There are a little more than two billion people left.
I’m sure I can’t afford to stop the war like this
But at present, these abilities seem to be constantly catalyzed by the war.
"Fei Yue’s ability has made us different from ordinary people, but there is a place where we can return to normal. Are you … white?"
Lin Yue finally entered this passage in the chat panel and sent it out.
For a long time, Fei Yue also replied to him, "You mean … the secret realm?"
"Yes, it’s the secret realm. We used to live on the earth. If you want to turn it back into ordinary people, if you want to turn everyone else back into ordinary people, the earth is something we have to go back to."
Lin Yue finished this passage and finally closed the panel after sending it out.
Get up from the sofa and come out of the kitchen. Lin Yue tapped the living room door again.
In the dark, I turned my head and gently nodded at him.
Lin Yue walked over and looked at the thing beside him that was like a white cocoon.
Xiao Bai’s molting has spread from the tip of the tail to the vicinity of the abdomen, and as Xiao Bai breathes, that layer of white molting will also ring with "crack"
"How about Xiaobai?"
Lin Yue doesn’t know about the ice lizard.
What’s more, he always thinks that this species is full of mysteries.
Will spit ice fog will evolve.
It seems that the ice lizard is the only one among so many creatures in the different world.
Mutant creatures, no matter how strange and stitched, are in a basic judgment, even if they are as powerful as mythical behemoths, it is also a physical attack.
The ice lizard … seems to show great abnormality from its larva.
A well-developed mind is more resistant to cold and extremely fast than a well-developed body, and it can also spit ice fog, which is very evolutionary …

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