杭州桑拿夜网 品茶 夜生活 龙凤 杭州喝茶工作室 桑拿会所 Fortunately, this exploration team soldier is not a rookie, and soon there will be four or five energy nets. In the middle, a predator was covered by an energy net and immediately fell to the ground and it was difficult to break free.

Fortunately, this exploration team soldier is not a rookie, and soon there will be four or five energy nets. In the middle, a predator was covered by an energy net and immediately fell to the ground and it was difficult to break free.

The soldiers seized the opportunity to suppress the rifle and threw several high-explosive grenades at the same time.
But another one rushed over, and then a lithe figure in the exploration team flashed out. It was a woman with mechanical prosthetic limbs, and her face was also embedded with a half metal mask.
Her mechanical prosthetic limb shook and a blade shook from the back of her hand. She appeared that Xing Yun stabbed the predator and swept out a silver light, which almost cut the predator in half.
But the vitality of this’ hound’ is quite amazing, even though it is cut off, it still dances with tentacles. At this time, those tentacles with cuticles are covered with high-pressure currents, slapping the woman and pumping her out.
Fortunately, the woman has a layer of star barrier, which blocks the’ hound’ from attacking the woman, turns around and bounces up again to pounce on the predator.
This time, she cut off the predator’s head and saw a bloody glow in the depths of the head, which was like a pocket brain with lines on its surface.
That’s the predator’s will cage!
The woman took the initiative and stabbed in, destroying the cage and stopping the predator from turning into black sludge.
On the other hand, Deborah personally killed the’ hound’ caught in the net, which was a relief.
Deborah’s face is not very good because he bumped into such a difficult creature before entering the town.
He glanced at the church knight not far away and wondered if he should not take the job.
Bian Ping found some footprints. After comparison, it was confirmed that the target stayed. He signaled that kurotsuchi nemu nodded and asked the exploration team to follow the hunters.
After passing through a cemetery, they suddenly saved a predator from a half-sarcophagus, but this time the church knight made a move and easily beheaded the’ hound’
A moment later, the exploration team entered the town and Ping led them to a mill.
I squatted down and touched the ground. I don’t know what I picked up and put it next to my nose and smelled it.
Then he took out a can and sprayed it on the ground, showing a faint footprint extending towards the mill.
The hunter looked at Deborah, who nodded and gestured, and three soldiers covered each other and leaned forward
These warrior helmets all have camera devices, and the corresponding pictures can be seen through the data connection board.
Kurotsuchi nemu has such a board in her hand. On the screen, she sees that the soldiers have entered the mill.
After entering the mill, the soldiers took a look at the tools, three lights, and you can see that there are some tools scattered in the mill, while the ground is covered with a thick layer of ash.
Suddenly, a soldier saw something floating in front of him. He looked up as quickly as he could and saw figures hanging from the mill head. He was so scared that he shouted and sat down.
This call it two soldiers also found wrong have looked up and saw hanging house’ people’ lightly down at this time.
These’ people’ bodies are propped up like umbrellas, exposing something like intestines hanging from the pink meat cavity inside.
Two soldiers hurriedly Mars plain rifle pain shot a series of beams to attack these monsters.
When attacked, these things immediately closed their meat cavities, flying lightly like’ people’ without bones, and their performance was absorbed without even leaving a wound.
The man sitting on the ground is about to climb up, and suddenly the darkness at the moment has been covered by another monster.
As soon as the soldier was covered, the monster’s meat cavity immediately tightened, and those intestines stabbed into the protection and tore a crossing.
In protection, the soldier saw that the front of his helmet shield was pink with muscle tissue, and they squirmed and squeezed, causing cracks in the shield. He screamed for a gun, but this thing was surprisingly powerful.
His monster’s meat cavity was squeezed by the muscles around him, and he couldn’t even move a finger.
He watched helplessly as the shield was crushed and an intestinal thing stuck out like a tongue, and he licked it on the top of his head.
He suddenly felt a chill on his head, followed by a piercing pain.
The surface of those’ intestines’ used to be covered with meat thorns, and their soldiers licked layers of skin when they licked them.
When Deborah rushed in with people, he just saw the monster "spit" the soldier out of the meat cavity and fell to the ground. The body had no one inch of intact skin.
The soldier’s skin was licked clean by the monster!
Chapter 179 Sniper
"Let’s go! Quick! "
Dai Bo pulled the remaining two soldiers out, pulled out two long swords behind him, and hacked out a series of sword waves containing the’ collapse force field’.
Rank 5 sublimation has become a pillar in the body, and the rank of God of War is even more destructive. Deborah cut out a series of silver sword waves to make those monsters who lick human skin disappear one after another.
Deborah was relieved after cleaning up the monster in the mill, but one soldier was licked in the process.
Fortunately, these monsters contributed two pieces of material like human skin, and Deborah asked people to recycle them, rolled them up and put them away before they walked out of the mill.
When he walked out of the mill, he saw several church knights with no facial expression, and there was no concern about their life and death, which made Deborah angry.
If the Church Knights are willing to make moves, any one of them can easily kill the monsters inside. How can they lose their hands?
But it’s no position to blame the church knight for thinking that he must receive money from others.

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