杭州桑拿夜网 品茶 夜生活 龙凤 杭州喝茶工作室 品茶论坛 He has made a preliminary sacrifice to the immortal city array, and the center of the sacred tree can be easily controlled.

He has made a preliminary sacrifice to the immortal city array, and the center of the sacred tree can be easily controlled.

Booming …
The dusty hall slowly hit.
The temple is divided into three layers, symbolizing heaven, earth and man. The dome of the three realms is dense, the orbs twinkle, symbolizing the stars, and the relief of Xiangyun Palace symbolizes heaven …
Luxurious modeling and ethereal artistic conception.
It’s a pity that the hall is in a mess, and there are dead bodies everywhere. The beams of the beams collapsed and the bronze sculptures were broken. A survey boat crashed and collapsed half of the temple roof, and the cold moonlight hung down from the hole.
His breath stirred the mummy in the temple, and the whole body clicked, and the corpse gas slowly rose like a black fog.
Wang Xuan strode forward with calm eyes.
The starlight from the bone blade with three handles at the waist gathers and roared out.
This bone blade was obtained from Xiahou Bo, the marshal of the Southern Jin Dynasty. It was originally a magic weapon refined by a great deity, and was named "Xiahou Xianxian Knife" by Xiahou’s family. The true immortal soul can be attached to the visible power.
Wang Xuan spent nine days and nights washing and practicing the stars, and it has long since disappeared. What’s even more amazing is that it can rob the divine light.
Removing the Liujia idol is his strongest magic weapon.
You know, even the vengeful soldiers will break a long array when Fanavan robs the divine light.
All the corpses in the three places where the silver light shuttles are cracked, facing the immortal knife, there is no resistance.
Wang Xuan walked and watched all the evil things around him dissipate.
He walked through the hall, walked through the central garden, and went to the backyard along the cornices and arches.
This fairy city is huge, even if it is fast, it takes two hours to travel all over the area.
There is a law to suppress the evil spirits in the city, and the evil spirits in the city were quickly cleaned up by him.
It’s not that he has nothing to do. Many wrecks of Tianbao patrol boats in this fairy city remain intact, which can speed up the construction of Tianbao patrol army, not to mention the precious spiritual materials buried in it.
Finally, Ren Huang Temple came into view again.
The difference is that the sacred tree of the stars has been broken, and the naked eye can see that all the stars are shining down. The old and broken Ren Huang Temple is not human.
Going …
It seems that I feel that his branches and leaves are ringing like greetings.
Wang Xuan is not surprised that treasures have spirits. Although they don’t have their own emotions, they also have simple ideas.
He gave a hearty laugh, and the gloomy mood caused by the departure of Guangyuan Zhenjun dissipated a lot, and then he rose up and slowly fell into the treasure tree.
Suddenly, the surrounding silver is bright, and Wang Xuan’s whole person seems to be bathing in the splendor, and he just consumes all the time to recover from the divine light.
Wang Xuan sat cross-legged without saying anything
With the change of law and seal in his hand, the vision of heaven and earth appears again, and all kinds of vague shadows in the sky are strange and strange, and they are whispering and whispering together
Wang Xuanru continued to pinch the French seal.
This is a method obtained after the initial sacrifice to refine the tree of God, which can make the treasure tree start to earn income in the dantian.
He saw from the murals of Ren Huang Temple that the star-studded scared tree was wrapped in meteorites when it fell from the sky, but it was no bigger than a washbasin.
And the statue of Ren Huang in the imperial tomb is holding a precious tree, saying that this huge scared tree has the ability of being a fairy multiplier as in previous lives.
Sure enough, let him find the refining method
The moon sets, the sky rises and the sky darkens, and the past three days have passed unconsciously, but the stars and splendors are visible to the naked eye day and night.
Suddenly, Wang Xuan suddenly pinched a treasure tree-shaped French seal with his eyes closed and his breath long and hidden.
The surrounding stars are boiling rapidly.
At the top of the tomb cave, the dense roots shrink, and the prohibition slowly disappears. Well, those figurines have been broken and lost their special possibilities …
All kinds of lights in Xiancheng rose and then faded, and the array disappeared everywhere …
The dragon head has been waiting for a long time outside the original patrol day army soldiers have looked up and gaped with their mouths wide open.
Tiandu Mountain’s huge vortex-shaped Lei Yun, like a giant jade pillar, is getting smaller and smaller.
This is the reason why Wang Xuanjin killed evil spirits.
It is urgent for him to refine his income and make a fortune, so it is natural to clean up the filth first.
And as the thunder clouds fade, white fog pours out of the tombs of Dachu in the middle of the mountain, with faint white shadows.
Whoosh Whoosh
Two golden flashes have been waiting for a long time. Dugu Nuo and Xuanyuan leader Jing suddenly appeared. A jade jade in his hand was suspended and gave off terror, and a large array of cloth was isolated from the spirit.
These are naturally arranged by Wang Xuan, who ignored him and continued to refine the huge star-studded scared tree, wrapped in rich splendor, shrinking and then disappearing instantly.
There is a big pit in Ren Huang Temple in the backyard.
Wang Xuan slowly fell from it, and the surrounding stars shone brightly, reflecting the armor as white as if it were coming.
The light from the nine-turn suspension of the sacred tree in Dantian, Youqing, is slowly falling, and the silver-white flame is rapidly getting bigger.
Like a flame with a wick …
Chapter five hundred and twenty Treasure tree casting road base soldier solution to fairy.
Nine-turn robbery continues to expand

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