杭州桑拿夜网 品茶 夜生活 龙凤 杭州喝茶工作室 品茶论坛 He motioned that he didn’t kick Mal, but Mal did.

He motioned that he didn’t kick Mal, but Mal did.

However, no referee insisted on the penalty spot.
At this time, the Barcelona players were celebrating that someone had pulled Marmar up, and they hugged and high-fived each other with smiles on their faces.
Barcelona players’ actions have even stimulated Lazio players, who continue to besiege the referee.
But it is obviously not good for Lazio to do so, because the referee can give them cards. If everyone is carrying cards, how can the game continue?
At this time, Handanovic came to the edge of the crowd and pulled his teammates out of the crowd one by one.
Then I repeated a sentence to them, "Stop it."
In this way, he pulled back the last captain of the team, Sai Passareira
He didn’t say anything to the captain about patting him on the shoulder.
Passareira look back at his old teammate and saw confidence in his expression.
When Lazio was at its best, the man behind him, Passareira, was Handanovic.
Everyone will feel at ease with him around.
This is a world-class goalkeeper.
But he’s old now …
Passareira finally let the referee go.
Barcelona finally made a free throw.
Mal personally took the football to the penalty spot.
Then he leaned over and placed the football very carefully at the penalty spot.
When he straightened up, he saw the Lazio goalkeeper.
A slightly fat 37-year-old goalkeeper.
How can such a person be his opponent?
Mal snorted in his heart.
Then he stepped back to prepare for the run-up
And when Mal placed the football, Handanovic watched Mal intently from the goal line all the time.
Finally, I had a look at Marla.
He saw contempt in mal’s eyes.
A player at the top seems to have every reason to despise himself.
He is too old and fat to jump.
Then how could he have saved the penalty?
But he had reason to save this penalty.
Never lose the ball. I promised the boss!
If he loses the ball, he is really a sinner!
Handanovic posed for the ball before the players.
Mal also retreated to the right position, waiting for the referee to whistle.
Barcelona fans are waiting with expectation.
Lazio fans are staring nervously at their doors.
Will this moment change the fate of both sides?
A whistle!
The scene was suddenly silent.
After three steps of Omar’s run-up, he rushed to the front of the ball and swung his foot and shot!
The football quickly rolled to the left corner of the goal against the grass!
That’s a dead end!
If you want to save the ball, you will definitely come when you see the football kick.
There is one way, and that is pre-judgment!
Almost at the same time that Mal kicked the football, Handanovic had made a choice. He chose to jump on his right side, that is, the left side of the goal!

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