
He grabbed the airflow and even got confused, making a scoffing sound.
And the blue brocade robe monk Xu is also cold-hum. It’s no surprise that the instantaneous figure flies back several meters like a teleport, and then the figure suddenly swells up and becomes four times larger!
"Hey, you still have the means! Ok, ok! You are really embarrassed! "
The black face-lifting male green ink sneers and his face becomes ferocious and fierce.
However, the big man Xu grimaced and said, "If I had known you were so vicious, I would have killed you and left you here!"
"Are you? Hum! Then you can go to hell! "
The black, thin-faced man suddenly roared in a mouthful and screamed amazingly!
"Yo ~ ~ ~"
That sharp sound is like a stinger stabbing into people’s hearts, which makes people tremble all over!
Yi Mark’s heart is also shocked at the moment, and he immediately becomes agitated and has a feeling of boredom and vomiting!
But at the moment, the strong man Xu is one leng and then some consternation and vigilance, but suddenly a sharp thorn runs through his head!
"You-so you’ve always had a mid-Dan … poof-"
A blood mist spouted from the strong man’s mouth, and his whole head was pierced by a sharp thorn, and the red liquid from the broken scarlet wound was very unbearable.
Without saying a word, he crashed into the deep sea.
And when his body fell instantly, the dry Kun bag had been snatched by the black face-lifting man.
"I this breaking green light thorn in your body is your pleasure hum more than ten years by repairing taller than me means my parents? !”
The young man muttered to himself, then quickly hit the dry Kun bag and pulled out a light gray peach-shaped token.
It was a simple look at the young man and he immediately took it in with an ecstatic expression on his face.
He took the dry Kun bag directly, turned around and looked around, and then suddenly he was about to fly away.
But at this time, a very discordant voice suddenly came over. "Why do you want to leave so much when you kill and rob things?"
A flash of light and shadow is easy to mark, and the whole person appears not far in front of this young man’s green ink.
Green ink glanced at is not see through easy to mark to not frightened in my heart.
Easy mark body concealment is extremely strong, and now there are four big abdomen. The other party naturally cannot see through the easy mark body situation, so they are afraid.
And easy to mark at the moment, even if it is not hidden, there are four big abdomen. Generally speaking, monks are afraid of not being able to see through easy to mark.
However, I don’t care too much if I can’t see through Yi Mark and Xiu Qing Mo. After all, Yi Mark looks only about twenty years old and doesn’t look rare, so Qing Mo doesn’t believe how strong such a person can be.
Besides, can such a human monk suddenly appear in this sea area really be strong? It’s not the other side’s special concealment means!
Blue ink thinking eyes fade which passes.
Chapter 212 Ruling [1]
Chapter 212 Ruling [1]
Seems to be induced to green ink pitfalls easy mark cold so a smile in the heart for this person also much a few minutes.
Being able to live with a brother for more than ten years still retains a powerful killing skill. I have to say that this person has a deep mind and can be so forbearing!
Now, the so-called token is not hesitate to change it, so it can be seen that this token is not a simple thing.
Yi Mark has great knowledge now, but he doesn’t know this as a token.
Green ink staring at Yi Mark’s eyes flashing figure suddenly flashed suddenly, and several ghosting images rushed out around, including two ghosting images rushing towards Yi Mark in the other three directions, with nearly ten ghosting images in each direction!
This green ink played a fade in the heart, but it suddenly used such a trick!
Dealing with the general monk this trick will naturally make the other side unprepared, which is obvious in the eyes, but it is inconsistent with the previous performance in action
In action, it is instantaneous to cast out the means of being in two places at once, and suddenly several incarnations flee in different directions everywhere. In general, this movement is bound to make people stunned, and the method of prevention is bound to stare at each other to get rid of it.
However, in dealing with Yi Xun Qing Mo, he made such a powerful move. Naturally, he was very proud. He thought about it in his heart. Once he left, he suddenly killed his opponent and caught him off guard.
But green ink far underestimated the easy mark and avatar.
After many difficulties and dreamland, I have a strong sense of the false things. Although it is somewhat unexpected, I thought of many ways to deal with him as early as I saw this person.
At the moment, the escape situation of the other party’s special method is also easily expected!
He didn’t react very much, but he rushed out quickly towards one of the figures by feeling.
Yi Mark Now, the avatar uses a big Yan Dun technique to cooperate with the big Yan Zhen tactic Yuan Shen shock technique and then assists the double sword to kill the magic sword. Yi Mark can be described as a move to create momentum like a dragon crossing the river!
The green ink is running fast, but I don’t want to be suddenly attacked by my opponent. I just turned around and a strong momentum suddenly hit him.
This momentum a fierce blue ink was severely shocked the heart a panic suddenly there is a sense of crisis death!
At this moment, the blue ink heart was frightened and immediately knew that if this moment was overwhelmed, it would be the result of Yuan Shen’s scattered efforts, which was extremely white in his heart!
A man who knows how Yuan God attacks his mind is absolutely abnormal!

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导语:随着生活节奏的加快,人们对于身心健康的需求日益增长。在这个快节奏的时代,我们需要一个地方来释放压力,放松身心。杭州维也纳水疗中心,为您带来一场身心的奢华之旅。 一、维也纳水疗,源自欧洲的奢华体验 杭州维也纳水疗中心,源自欧洲贵族的水疗理念,将传统水疗与现代科技相结合,为顾客提供一站式水疗服务。在这里,您将体验到源自欧洲的奢华水疗文化,感受水疗带来的身心愉悦。 二、专业的水疗师,为您量身定制水疗方案 杭州维也纳水疗中心拥有一支专业的水疗师团队,他们具有丰富的水疗经验和专业知识。在为您提供服务之前,水疗师会先了解您的身体状况、需求,为您量身定制水疗方案。从舒缓疲劳、缓解压力,到修身养性、美容养颜,维也纳水疗中心都能满足您的需求。 三、多样化的水疗项目,满足您的个性化需求 杭州维也纳水疗中心拥有多种水疗项目,包括: 1. 水疗浴:采用天然温泉水,结合现代科技,为您带来全身放松的体验。 2. 按摩:专业的水疗师为您进行全身按摩,缓解肌肉紧张,促进血液循环。 3. 美容养颜:采用天然植物精华,为您打造健康、美丽的肌肤。 4. 瑜伽:在专业瑜伽教练的指导下,让您在水中感受瑜伽的韵味。 5. 香薰:利用天然植物香薰,让您在愉悦的氛围中放松身心。 四、优雅的环境,让您享受尊贵体验 杭州维也纳水疗中心位于市中心繁华地段,环境优雅、舒适。室内装修采用高品质材料,为您营造出尊贵、舒适的氛围。在这里,您可以放下生活的烦恼,尽情享受水疗带来的身心愉悦。 五、优质的服务,让您感受到家的温暖 杭州维也纳水疗中心始终秉承“以人为本”的服务理念,为您提供优质、贴心的服务。从预约、接待、服务到离开,每一位顾客都能感受到家的温暖。在这里,您将享受到尊贵、贴心的服务,让您在忙碌的生活中找到片刻的宁静。 结语:杭州维也纳水疗中心,一个让您身心愉悦的奢华之地。在这里,您将体验到源自欧洲的奢华水疗文化,感受到水疗带来的身心愉悦。赶快来杭州维也纳水疗中心,开启您的身心奢华之旅吧!