杭州桑拿夜网 品茶 夜生活 龙凤 杭州喝茶工作室 桑拿会所 It is you who let me re-recognize this world genius and let me have a deep self-reflection.

It is you who let me re-recognize this world genius and let me have a deep self-reflection.

You are strong and have great potential to let you grow up. I will die.
So … You should die when I still have a chance. "
God’s sin!
More than a dozen stout iron bars smashed chains around Xu Le to connect these iron bars and wound them around Xu Le layer by layer.
Then a large number of spells were affixed around the seal array by Dorn.
Xu Le watched this layer upon layer of spells and chains trapped himself and released many operations in a row, but there was no way to break the seal.
"What is this?"
"Don’t struggle, Xu Le. I won’t let you go. Rest in peace here …"
It’s like being summoned by a strong psychic, and more and more iron bars are falling from the sky.
Boom Boom!
These iron bars hit the ground one by one and were full of destructive breath. The seal array spread, but it was quickly absorbed by the seal array.
Repeatedly, the protection of the body and spirit was finally smashed.
Ugh! ~
A scream is accompanied by a lot of blood spatter. Xu Leling can quickly riot with the dark forces.
Donne was not surprised by this. She was silent and manipulated the puppet iron bar to continue falling from the sky.
"Steel Tombstone Array"
As the steel tombstones fall into battle, they are gradually filled with iron bars. At the very least, how much joy is there to cry?
But soon there was no interest left.
There is no way. The power of the steel array is too strong. Under normal circumstances, even a level 6 warlock can’t resist for too long.
This recruit is Dorn worthy of the name.
Looking at the submerged appearance, Xu Leduoen finally breathed a sigh of relief.
"Finally dead?
I hope my pain can make you feel the same. "
Chapter 469 Absolute strength
When the steel array fills the whole seal formation, Dorn prepares his final operation.
"Iron ghost!"
The blood iron column condenses and then rises upward. The iron column controls the extrusion of the iron bar and seems to completely crush the contents into powder.
The iron column crashed into iron powder, and the flesh and blood in the array were completely powdered at this moment.
Generally speaking, there is no residue left.
The corner community is a mess, and the fierce fighting makes it impossible for ordinary people here.
And the resident garrison wizards of the Red Crescent Temple have also been greeted by Dorn.
They won’t show up until something is said.
After the fierce fighting, the area became surprisingly calm.
Just when Dorn’s affair is over and Xu Le has been completely killed by him …
An arm sticking out of the ruins, a lot of debris, blood seems to be mixed with some human bones, which looks disgusting.
This scene surprised Donne a little.
Then Xu Le got up from the ruins naked.
At this time, his body is crystal clear, just like white jade crystal. If it is not the dust left on his skin, then Xu Le can be collected by art.
"This guy’s state?" Donne slightly stupidly for a moment.
And Xu Le side didn’t give her a chance to react at all. A sharp sword and claws directly penetrated Dorn’s heart, and the mechanical core inside was pinched and torn.

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