杭州桑拿夜网 品茶 夜生活 龙凤 杭州喝茶工作室 品茶论坛 Zhang Wei said, "The first reconstruction after the imperial army destroyed the imperial capital in that year was completed by my father. My father personally presided over the selection and pulled out a number of officers to be the main officers of the imperial army. Now these officers are all imperial officers in Lin’ an except the dead base.

Zhang Wei said, "The first reconstruction after the imperial army destroyed the imperial capital in that year was completed by my father. My father personally presided over the selection and pulled out a number of officers to be the main officers of the imperial army. Now these officers are all imperial officers in Lin’ an except the dead base.

Now Lin ‘an army is commanded by Yu Yunwen except for the imperial palace, but it happened that Lu Yongyan, the deputy commander in charge of the imperial palace, was not only drawn by his father himself, but also a fellow villager. "
"Ah, this … has such a fate?"
"If so fate where I will give so dangerous advice to" xianggong "? Even if I don’t think about such a dangerous thing myself, I have to think about it. "
Zhang Wei laughed. "I’d like to lobby Lu Yongyan, and then I’d like to invite him to preside over the situation. I believe that the ministers in the DPRK will be willing to follow him! Together, DaSong was destroyed! "
Said Zhang Wei, straightening her clothes and bowing down to Shen
"May" xianggong "preside over the overall situation and save our lives!"
Shen should be overwhelmed by Zhang Wei’s prostration and feel that he has also seen hope.
He struggled for a while and finally gritted his teeth and threw all the benevolence, righteousness, propriety and wisdom behind his head. He was smashed in the head by a tea bowl from Zhao Shen, and the pain and hatred surged into his heart together.
Zhao Shen, don’t blame me for being unjust!
He helped Zhang Wei up seriously. "If you really said Lu Yongyan, I will take charge of the situation! We must never destroy the inheritance of our ancestors to stay in Dasong by confused kings and traitors! "
"Thank you, Xianggong!"
Zhang Wei is overjoyed.
And when Zhang Shi was ready to take action, Shen should suddenly stop Zhang Shi.
"Before I left the army camp, Zhang Yuejing, the general of the army, specially told me that Yu Yunwen should live and not die, so he should try not to kill him, but try to take him alive."
Zhang Wei blinked.
"Then tie up the five flowers and put a cloth in your mouth and knock him out directly. It’s not difficult to control him."
"So good, then please respect your husband!"
Shen should hold Zhang Yi’s hand tightly and give him his own life.
The latter two split up.
Shen should call his trustful masters and send old bureaucrats to have a thorough understanding with them so that they don’t worry about what is about to happen.
And Zhang Wei paid off the imperial palace to inform them that Lu Yongyan had called on Zhang Wei, an old friend.
Lu Yongyan was very grateful to fellow countryman Zhang Jun for pulling him from a small officer to a middle-ranking officer and giving him a rank. After Zhang Jun died, he was very sad and panicked, worried that he would be implicated, but Zhang Jun did not die alone and was not involved in the army.
With Zhang Jun calling from the bottom, several military chiefs gave him a promotion. After the reconstruction of the new imperial army, he was transferred to the post of deputy commander in front of the temple.
Although it is said that the Qiandian Division is half a shelf and some organizations are in Zhao Gou, Zhao Shen’s Qiandian Division is Lu Yongyan, who is in charge of this war and has assumed the responsibility of defending the court.
However, Lu Yongyan, a man who muddles along, prefers the position of middle-ranking officer, which is just as good as saving a lot of troubles. Once he is in a senior military position, he will have a great probability of becoming an enemy, that is, the target of the army.
Lu Yongyan, the conscience of heaven and earth, has never been with the army since he joined the army. He is very afraid of facing the army and wants to resign and return home several times, but he failed.
So when Lu Yongyan heard the news that Zhang Wei wanted him to join in the coup, he almost didn’t pee.
"Brother Jingfu, don’t scare me. This kind of thing … will lose your head!"
"since ancient times, people who have done great things have to risk losing their heads. If they want to succeed, they will not lose their heads, and they have never dared to think about it before!"
Zhang Wei whispered, "And you think we can’t beat the army. It’s not an opponent. The army broke through the wall and killed the court in Lin ‘an city. You are the first to want to escape, but you can’t escape. Don’t you still die?
We have a 50% chance of winning the big event, but if the army attacks the city, we have a 10% chance of dying. What do you think is the best way to live and live better? Is it a big event or a sit-by? "
Chapter 1134 san huang has a heroic spirit.
Lu Yongyan thinks about it and feels uneasy.
"Is it too offensive and dangerous? That ….. That is, after all, my god! How can we betray the sky? Will be damned. "
"The moment he killed my father, I didn’t think of him as a god. He was my enemy, and I wanted my father to take revenge even if he was punished by God!"
Zhang Wei’s eyes are full of hatred sparks. "What’s more, this time, the army was caused by him. He and Yu Yunwen were reckless to destroy the Yellow River levee. This led to the country’s anger and sent troops to the south. He did his own evil, but he wanted to take all of us with him. Is there an emperor who did this?"
Lu Yongyan thinks that what Zhang Wei said is very reasonable, but he still feels scared.
"This matter is too big … can you give me some time to think about it?"
"You can consider it, but time waits for no one. We have twelve hours, and now almost three hours have passed. We still have nine hours, and everything will be saved. We will die forever. You must think about it."
Zhang Wei said, "Is it a saber to death or a spell to splash wealth? If you succeed in sealing your wife’s shadow, don’t talk! "
Lu Yongyan swallowed and took several deep breaths.
"Duke Deyuan has shown me great kindness, and I will never be able to repay you … for all this … can you please join me when I respect my husband and brother for great things?"
"I can tell you now that your department is courageous!"
Zhang Bi exultation way "your ministry can have who is unreliable? If there is, we will directly deal with him! "
Lu Yongyan relaxed a little and nodded his head.
"Although most people listen to me, there are a few scrappy people who haven’t solved it. If we can solve it this time, everyone will listen to me."
Zhang Wei said that he was white.
"Then I will help you once. Whoever dares to be right with you is right with me!"
Zhang Wei’s side is in full swing, and Shen Ying, on the other hand, has a good chat with a group of his old bureaucratic partners. Everyone was scared when they heard that Shen Ying wanted to talk, but Shen Ying carefully analyzed their interests and analyzed the situation, so they gradually calmed down.
The more Shen should say, the more a group of old bureaucrats think Shen should make sense.
Who among them is not the head of a prosperous family?
Who doesn’t have a lot of people pointing at them for a luxury day besides their families?

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一、杭州茶叶品种 1.西湖龙井:作为杭州的标志性茶叶,西湖龙井以其“四绝”(色翠、香郁、味甘、形美)闻名于世。采摘于清明前后的嫩芽,外形扁平光滑,色泽嫩绿,香气清幽,滋味鲜爽。 2.千岛湖毛尖:产于杭州千岛湖,选用当地优质茶树品种制作而成。其外形紧结挺直,色泽嫩绿,香气清高,滋味鲜爽回甘。 3.径山茶:产于杭州余杭区径山镇,具有悠久的历史。其外形条索紧结,色泽翠绿,香气清高,滋味鲜爽,汤色清澈明亮。 4.安吉白茶:产于杭州安吉县,以其“白毫显露”而著称。其外形挺直饱满,色泽白绿,香气清雅,滋味鲜爽回甘。 5.东白茶:产于杭州东阳,具有独特的香气和口感。其外形紧结挺直,色泽翠绿,香气清高,滋味鲜爽回甘。 二、品茶环境 1.茶具选择:品茶时,选择合适的茶具至关重要。绿茶类茶叶通常选用瓷壶、瓷杯、紫砂壶等茶具,以保持茶叶的香气和口感。 2.泡茶水温:绿茶类茶叶泡茶水温一般在80-90℃之间,过高或过低的水温都会影响茶叶的品质。 3.泡茶时间:绿茶类茶叶泡茶时间一般在2-3分钟,可根据个人口味适当调整。 4.品茶环境:品茶时,选择一个安静、舒适的环境,有利于更好地品味茶叶的韵味。 三、品茶技巧 1.观茶:观察茶叶的外形、色泽、匀整度等,了解茶叶的品质。 2.闻香:将茶叶放入茶具中,冲泡后轻轻嗅闻茶香,感受茶叶的香气。 3.品味:品尝茶叶的滋味,感受茶叶的鲜爽、甘甜、回甘等。 4.回味:品茶结束后,回味茶叶的香气和口感,体会茶文化的韵味。 总之,《杭州品桂茗茶指南》旨在帮助茶友们更好地了解杭州茶叶,品味茶文化的韵味。希望通过这份指南,让茶友们享受到品茶的美好时光。