杭州桑拿夜网 品茶 夜生活 龙凤 杭州喝茶工作室 桑拿会所 "Tuttosport" specifically analyzed in detail what winning tactics can’t be played in Italy.

"Tuttosport" specifically analyzed in detail what winning tactics can’t be played in Italy.

They refuted the tactics of winning the game and attracting the mad dog from many aspects, such as the tactical quality of players, the configuration of opponents, the schedule arrangement, etc. Finally, they said that this tactic was a mad dog in Spain and would definitely be a dead dog in Italy.
After that, they also said at the end that if Chang Sheng is not angry, they can write a column in their own newspaper to refute Chang Sheng’s article …
A posture of "not arguing"
Changsheng is too lazy to go to the Italian media to write articles about tactics.
For him, oral paper interview tactics are just paper talk.
Is there a tactic … It’s easy to know by looking at the actual game performance.
You say my tactics can’t work in Italy?
Fine, then I’ll hit you in the face!
Are you still hesitant to go to Italy or England? Italy invited him. There are no giants in England, but one doesn’t really want to go to Liverpool.
Now he doesn’t hesitate
He made up his mind to go to Italy!
Always punch you bitches in the face yourself!
Didn’t you say I couldn’t succeed in Italy?
Then I’ll take Italy!
Rome and Lazio are the most exciting teams to invite winners.
Because both teams lost their head coaches this summer.
Lazio is better, but people are at least psychologically prepared, because the media have been speculating about Mancini for months, and he may go to Mei Acha to pick up Zaccheroni’s class.
Rome was really caught off guard. No!
On May 30th, Juventus suddenly announced that Capello would be the new coach of the team.
The Roma club didn’t expect Capello to betray them to their arch-rival Juventus.
This made Sensi Thunder furious.
Then Rome quickly looked for a successor.
Come on, they’re not in a hurry
As a result, Capello had just gone to Juventus to dig up Roman general Emerson, which made Rome angry.
What makes Rome unbearable is that Emerson is going to be instigated by Juventus!
Moreover, Emerson’s salary for the last two months of his contract before he wanted to leave was considered to be a fish in troubled waters.
Rome can’t stand Juventus’ provocation.
The Rome club accelerated the search for a new coach.
Who can beat Capello and crush Juventus at this time?
Obviously, there is a young coach who has just led Valencia to the Champions League.
Valencia is the first triple crown in Spanish football history this season, and the winner is the man who personally created the triple crown.
His arrival will surely overwhelm Capello, quickly stabilize the morale of the army, rebuild the confidence of Roman fans in Rome’s future and deal a blow to Juventus-you have poached Capello, and now we have a better coach than Capello!
And Lazio, the arch-enemy in the same city, is also interested in winning constantly, which makes Rome feel a strong sense of crisis.
Although Lazio are not as good as Rome in more respects, there is no guarantee that they will be engaged in vicious competition in it.
We are old rivals in the same city, and we know each other’s temper and style well.
Lazio will definitely mess them up.
Otherwise, there is no way to explain where Lotito came from. I am confident that winning will depend on his team.
On Finance Lazio is still on the verge of bankruptcy and owes more than 150 million euros.
On competitive performance, Lazio ranks sixth in the league in the season and can participate in the UEFA Cup, while Rome is the runner-up in the league and can participate in the Champions League.
Sensi doesn’t believe that a Champions League coach will leave the Champions League qualification and not go to the UEFA Cup.
On the popularity of Rome, which has developed rapidly in recent years, can be regarded as a quasi-rich club. If you want to have a Champions League champion, you can rank among the rich clubs.
What about Lazio?
Winning the double crown once defeated all the people in the last 99 years.
Who still believes that Lazio is a strong team now?
So when you say that Lazio is still so eager to win, it must be adding chaos to Rome.
In order not to let Lazio succeed, Juventus forced Sensi to give orders to Roma club manager baldini, that is, all conditions can be discussed and all conditions can be agreed, and it is necessary to get the winning coach in the fastest time.
"It is often the hottest coach in Europe. If we can take him in Rome, then Rome will become the hottest team in Europe! That’s why we must sign him! " Sensi said this.
Lazio invited Changsheng for the second time and refused. It was really impossible for him to go to a team that could play in the UEFA Cup, but Rome invited him to stay.
The conditions for Rome to come out are very attractive.
The annual salary of a three-year contract increases by 3 million euros in the first year, 3.3 million euros in the second year and 3 million euros in the third year. This is still the basic salary and bonuses are also high bonuses.
In addition to the winning contract, they also agreed to bring his coaching team with him and give the winning assistants the same high-paying contract.
Changsheng wants everything, and they are satisfied.
For example, transfer, such as team personnel, they can always win.
If they violate the contract, they will always win and be free to leave the team. The club will never stop them or ask him for a compensation.
Chang Sheng and Kate Gracie didn’t expect the Rome club to be so accommodating. They haven’t opened their mouths yet. Rome has promised everything they want to say.
This made Kate Gracie somewhat frustrated.
"this is that most interest negotiation I have ever experience!" Then he asked Chang Sheng, "Are you sure? Are you going to Rome?"
Rome always chants this name in her heart.
The traveler naturally knows the post-Roman development track.
From then on, until 1921, Rome fell out of the top three in two seasons, of which 2425 won the league, 229 was the sixth in the Roman league, and Rome was always in the top three at other times, of which 2526 was the third in the Roman league and the second in the league at other times.

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